3K Enrollment Forms:
Enrollment for 2025-2026 3K preschool class begins March 1, 2025.
Please print off the required nine forms and parent handbook, listed below.
Please return all completed forms and the registration fee to ACP Director, Amy Kellesvig, during preschool hours, by appointment or email to agapekids@mhtc.net
Health History Emergency Care Plan 25-26
Internet Social Media Website 2025-26
Child Care Immunization Record 25-26
After reviewing the parent handbook, please return the last page and with your signature and date.
If you require financial assistance, please complete the following form:
Tuition Assistance Form 2025-26
These 3 documents are for your reference throughout the school year:
Your guide to regulated child care 25-26
It shouldn’t hurt to be a child publication 25-26
Summer Camp Enrollment Form:
Registration and Camp Intake Form 2025